The Internet is full of articles describing easy ways to get rich. Usually such article has a picture of a busty lady holding a whack of cash or a futuristic yacht that can be yours in no time. Sky’s the limit, they say, so I give those ads benefit of a doubt. As a matter of fact I feel inspired to give you my own take on how to get rich…spiritually. Yes, that’s the catch…or is it?
If I learned anything is that getting rich, in whatever way, takes time. That is the nature of it. In the case of getting rich spiritually, we are talking about lifetime, a long process of gradual transformation. I can almost see those of you quitting now: “I’ve got only 5 minutes, there must be an easier/shorter way”. We live in the era of “right here, right now”, constantly feeding “instant gratification monkey”, but bear with me a second. Although it’s a process and it takes time, for those who have only 5 minutes – there is hope! 5 Minutes is may be just enough! If you accumulate enough of those 5 minutes periods you may get what you want. It’s a marathon not a sprint. The progress depends on how much effort you put in over time. If you look for a suitable example, ask yourself this. Can you get ripped in 5 minutes? Most of you would say no. Let me ask you this: can you get ripped if you work your abs for 5 minutes every day for 2 months? If you think so, you are on the way to get very, very rich…spiritually!
CHANGE YOUR BELIVE SYSTEM – is arguably the most important part of the process. We all are deeply immersed in limiting belief systems. For most part they are hidden from our awareness. They operate in the background like an unused app on your iPhone. They may be unseen, unused but still drain battery of your phone. What if there are a dozen of such apps in the background? The only way to save your battery is to turn them off, even better uninstall. The only way to live an abundant life is to dismantle beliefs that limit your perception. You may ask how I can identify a belief system if I can’t even see it? A good question, which is also the answer. Every process starts with an intention and every intention starts with a question. Once you ask the right question, your perception switches on to answer it. Awareness is your faithful servant waiting to be used. For instance, if you are hungry and ask yourself what you feel like eating, within seconds comes a list. Location of the food is immediately presented to you. Sweet or savoury, hot or cold. Bare in mind this question has been asked million times before and that is why response is so quick. With a bit of time and effort in the same way you will identify your limiting belief systems just by asking what they are. Allow me to give an example of a belief system that perhaps all of us consciously and subconsciously struggle with. Unworthiness. Unworthiness is a package that comes with many small and big items that limit our freedom. I don’t deserve love, friendship, care, money etc. The list is long and each item takes a bit of space and require a bit of mental energy to maintain. Imagine for a second releasing all the limiting beliefs conscious and subconscious. How much energy would you gain? Imagine the engine in your car gaining an extra 1000-horse power! You may not use it straight away but just its sheer potential under the hood feels exhilarating, doesn’t it? How to deal with false beliefs? One at a time! You must identify it first; bring it to your awareness. Bear in mind this may come in a form of a new feeling or a sensation that you are not accustomed to. We are all familiar with the word intuition – using it, it’s another story. Intuition, gut feeling or sixth sense – you may need to start paying attention to them. Listen to your heart and I’m not talking in a romantic way!
Not all beliefs are hidden from us. Some of them are obvious but we decided to ignore them for whatever reason. For example: It’s ok to be miserable at work as it pays my bills, I can be happy when I get home. Does it ring a bell? Have we all been there? If you strongly agree with this statement or if you jump to you feet to defend it, this is a sign you are looking for! Once you identify a belief system that causes you a headache, it’s time to face it. That requires courage. A lot of it in fact! Beliefs won’t go easy, most of them at least. Do you remember saying, old habits die hard? Habits are hiding places of false beliefs. Now, how to train your awareness to recognise situations when limiting beliefs do us harm?
START DAILY MEDITATION PRACTICE. Lucky us, meditation became more popular and accepted. You no longer need to hide the fact that you sit for extended period of time, what appears as, doing nothing. CEOs of major corporations “came out of the closet” admitting to the meditation practice (an interesting article here). The question remains how meditation helps dismantling belief systems? To start off with, meditation touches the aspect of our being where beliefs originate. It’s a non-physical but mental space. There is no particular part of the brain, upon removing of which the problem disappears. During a meditation practice you allow yourself to put the physical aside and bring your attention to the part of your being that is the source of your personality. Most of us almost never go there, for the same reason why kids don’t open the closet where a scary monster may hide. It’s a sacred space that only the bravest dear to enter. It’s also the space where the most precious treasures can be found. The physical senses have no use there. As a matter of fact important aspect of meditation is to quiet your physical senses.
“Silence is God’s first language”
Meditation makes us open to the source of true potential. Meditation gets us in touch with the source. Meditation helps us to recognise our true self. Meditation is a space of no judgment just presence. Regardless of what you’ve heard and read, meditation holds something different for everyone. Relaxation that you hear so much about can be considered as a side effect of meditation. Having said that, whatever reason brings you to meditation, it must be the right reason for you! As with every practice we always learn something new about ourselves. Our beliefs are part of that knowledge. If you spend enough time with yourself you may acquire the ability of looking at your beliefs as apps on you phone. There is calculator, which I use all the time, there’s the weather app…awesome. Oh, there’s a game I don’t play anymore, I better delete it, so doesn’t take the space. In the same manner there are beliefs that serve us well, and those who may have been useful in the past but are no longer needed and just stand in the way. Meditation may help to look at them in a detached, non-judgmental way so we don’t suffer when we need to say good bye to them.
Through meditation we gain more knowledge and understanding of the inside world, which directly reflect our view of the outside world. Keep in mind internal and external are tightly connected. Some say external is manifestation of internal. Using this metaphor our belief systems create the physical reality – not other way around. Therefore we must choose wisely what we believe in.
To be continued…
What a most inspiring article on meditation and life. It reinforced my devotion to a practice, that has helped me so much, and I’ve only been meditating regularly for about two years now, at least twice a day, and even short ones during the rest of my day, becoming happier, healthier, more focused, and understanding of others as well as myself. I’m so looking forward to more benefits over the rest of life. Tomek I believe you know how much you have taught me. I am SO grateful to you for allowing me to be your student.
I admire your devotion to the practice and I’m very happy to see how much it benefits your life. Thank you for sharing Christiane:)
What a wonderful article Tomek. So full of true and interesting facts about my practice that I learned mostly from you. I loved reading this as well as being your student.
I’m always grateful for your comments. Thank you Christiane:)